Bonovin helps organizations launch new initiatives and undertake hard strategic pivots to create a more just and equitable future for kids.
What we do
We work with organizations that support young people across mental health, education, climate change, and youth development. We help you launch new initiatives and undertake hard strategic pivots to maximize your impact and grow your resources.
When old tools, knowledge, or approach won’t fit the current problem, we help you chart a new path forward in line with your values and mission. We help you define strategic plans, launch new initiatives, and navigate new partners, politics, and perspectives. We help you communicate your new direction to build internal and external support. We embed leadership coaching to help you navigate hard challenges.
We thrive in ecosystem complexity. We thrive in the unknown. We thrive when bringing new partners to the table with different perspectives.
When are we a good fit?
You’re doing something new - You are launching a new initiative, developing your next strategic plan, or making a hard strategic pivot.
You need a practical, actionable plan - You want a strategy that you can act on tomorrow, rather than a complicated report that leaves you unsure of how to get started.
You need a customized, tailored approach - You need a consulting approach that fits who you are and that will work with your organizational culture, rather than a formulaic consulting process.
You need a creative, fresh perspective - You need a person or team that can bring new insights and ask hard questions, but that is backed by decades of experience in nonprofits, philanthropy, and government.
You need to translate across new partners - Your work is changing, and you need to translate across new partners, politics, and perspectives in order to find common ground.
You want embedded strategic advising - You want ongoing coaching and support in addition to strategic consulting to help you navigate the difficult leadership questions you face in this process.
You need help communicating your new direction - You want communications expertise to help you articulate your new direction to build support internally and with external partners and funders.
Select examples of our work
Strategic planning and implementation
We led a strategic planning process for an $80 million strategic pivot for a national education nonprofit. We designed operational processes to help teams implement the new strategy and led a communications sprint to articulate the new direction with potential funders and partners.
Launching a new initiative in education
We helped a national nonprofit at the intersection of climate change and education launch work in two states, including building a statewide coalition and passing statewide legislation.
Strategic clarity and communications
We helped a global education organization with more than $1 billion in annual revenue to launch a new initiative in its first months by clarifying strategic questions and articulating its strategy to funders and partners.
Launching a new initiative in climate
We designed an operational plan to enable a national think tank to raise $100 million at the intersection of climate change and youth.
Strategic advising
We advised multiple early stage organizations launching new initiatives in mental health, climate change, and education - including providing executive coaching for leadership.